
Forus is planning a solar park in Laviassuo, Heinola

The power plant would produce approximately 50 gigawatt-hours of renewable electricity annually. This would be equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 25,000 apartment units.

The construction work for the power plant is anticipated to commence in the years 2025-2026.

General information

Forus Oy is planning a solar park in the Laviassuo area of Heinola. The project area is about 75 hectares and the estimated annual production of the solar power plant is about 50 GWh. The preparation of the project has also taken into account the bird wetland that has emerged in the area. A bird watching platform will be built in the northern part of the bird wetland in connection with the solar power project.

The aim is to develop solar power in the most responsible manner. This involves continuous consideration of biodiversity and advancing carbon neutrality goals. The project's funding, technical planning, and construction are overseen by the Finnish project company of the Danish Better Energy. The company will also remain the owner of the power plant and be responsible for electricity production and sales.


Laviassuo is located in the city of Heinola in Vierumäki, in the Päijät-Häme region. 

The solar park will be connected to the national grid through a 110 kV voltage level power line located near the project area.


  • Hankkeen ensimmäinen yleisötilaisuus järjestettiin 20.11.2022 Matkakeitaalla
  • Ecological surveys were conducted during the year 2023
  • A public event regarding the project was held on November 22, 2023, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Vierumäki Hunting Lodge (Päivämäentie, 19110 Heinola)
  • Planning requirement and building permit decisions are legally binding.

Schedule for the project

  • Planning requirement decision 2024
  • Building permit 2024
  • Voimalan rakentaminen alkaa arviolta 2025-2027

News about project


Tanskalaisyhtiö haluaisi rakentaa aurinkovoimalan entiselle turvesuolle Heinolan Vierumäellä


Vierumäen Laviassuolle nousemassa aurinkopuisto – vanhat turvetuotantoalueet halutaan Suomessa hyötykäyttöön

Contact us!

Arto Ylönen

Project manager
+358 40 648 1833

Christian Kumpula

Project manager
+358 50 306 6053