Forus is planning a solar park in Lepästensuo, Miehikkälä
The power plant would produce about 100 gigawatt-hours of renewable electricity per year. This would correspond to the annual electricity consumption of 50,000 apartment units.
General information
Forus Ltd is planning a solar power park in Lepästensuo, Miehikkälä. The project area covers approximately 134 hectares, with an estimated solar power plant capacity of around 100 MW.
The project developer for the initiative is the Finnish company Forus Ltd, with the aim of developing solar power while considering biodiversity and promoting carbon neutrality goals. The project's funding, technical planning, and construction are managed by the Finnish project company of the Danish Better Energy. The company will also remain the owner of the power plant and be responsible for electricity production and sales.
”The solar power project aligns with various aspects of Miehikkälä's new municipal strategy. We aim to promote sustainable and responsible practices to mitigate climate change.” stated Arto Ylönen, the Mayor of Miehikkälä.
As Forus, it is easy for us to share these same goals with the Municipality of Miehikkälä, and we are delighted about the upcoming collaboration.
Lepästensuo is located in the municipality of Miehikkälä in Southeastern Finland.
The solar park will be connected to the national grid through a 110 kV voltage level power line located within the project area.
- Ecological surveys were conducted during the year 2023
- The Municipal Board of Miehikkälä, in its decision §162 on December 12, 2022, has decided to initiate the preparation of a legally binding master plan for Lepästensuo.
- Master plan came legally binding 26.3.2024.
- Planning requirement and building permit decisions are legally binding.
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Contact us!

Christian Kumpula
Project manager
+358 50 306 6053