
Forus is planning a solar park in Konnunsuo, Lappeenranta

When completed, the 250 MVA power plant would generate approximately 275 gigawatt-hours of renewable electricity annually. This would be equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 150,000 apartment units. 

The project is one of the largest planned solar power projects in Finland.

General information

Forus Ltd is planning a solar power park on the former peat production area of Konnunsuo in Lappeenranta. The project is one of the largest planned solar power projects in Finland. The project area covers 446 hectares, and the estimated capacity of the solar power plant is around 250 MVA. Size of energy production areas is roughly 336 hectares and rest of the project area is dedicated for green buffer zones and nature areas.

The project developer for the initiative is the Finnish company Forus Ltd, with the aim of developing solar power while considering biodiversity and promoting carbon neutrality goals. The project's funding, technical planning, and construction are managed by the Finnish project company of the Danish Better Energy. The company will also remain the owner of the power plant and be responsible for electricity production and sales.


Konnunsuo is located approximately 14 kilometers east of the city center of Lappeenranta. It is an old lowland peat production area where peat extraction has ceased. To the northwest of the project area, there is the hill of Kukkuroinmäki, at the foot of which lies the treatment center of South Karelia Waste Management Ltd. A bird wetland is planned for the old peat extraction area to the east of the project site. The surrounding environment of the project area is sparsely populated and is bordered by various agricultural and forestry areas.

The solar park will be connected to the national grid at a voltage level of 110 kV. A transmission line, approximately two kilometers long (overhead line), will be constructed from the substation area to the existing network on the Yllikkälä-Vuoksi transmission line, where the conductors will continue along the existing pole structures. No clearing or erecting of new poles is needed for this section. The actual grid connection point is at the Vuoksi substation, owned by Fingrid.


schedule for the project

  • The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) necessity consideration was completed in May 2023
  • Detailed plan will be finished in Autumn 2024
  • Permitting of the project will be completed in the autumn 2024
  • Construction 2025-2026

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Contact us!

Arto Ylönen

Project manager
+358 40 648 1833