Forus is planning a solar park in Kyyrönsuo, Kontiolahti
When completed, the solar park would generate approximately 120 gigawatt-hours of renewable electricity annually. This would be equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 60,000 apartment units.
The goal is to obtain permits during the year 2024
General information
We are planning a solar park in Kyyrönsuo, Kontiolahti, with an approximate size of 165 hectares. When completed, it would generate around 120 GWh of renewable electricity, equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of about 60,000 apartment units.
The solar power project supports the vitality of the region by enabling renewable energy production in Kontiolahti.
In the area, there is also a peatland restoration area implemented by the municipality of Kontiolahti, which will remain unchanged during both the construction phase and after the installation of solar panels. Efforts are already underway to explore methods for restoring the soil on the former peat production site. The goal is to enhance the ecological values of the project area through restoration measures and integrate renewable energy production.
Aurinkosähkön ominaispäästö
Päästövähennys elinkaarenaikana
Maankäytön muutosten vaikutus
Kontionlahden Kyyrönsuolle suunnitellusta aurinkovoimahankkeesta on laadittu ilmastovaikutusselvitys. Selvityksessä on tutkittu rakennettavan aurinkovoimalan vaikutusta ilmaston lämpenemiseen.
- komponenttien ja rakenteiden elinkaariarvioinnin keinoin.
- voimalan rakentamisen yhteydessä tehtävien maankäytön muutosten hiilitasearvion avulla.
- elinkaaren aikana tuotetun sähkön päästövaikutukset kolmen eri skenaarioanalyysin avulla.
Selvitys perustuu alustaviin suunnitelmiin ja oletuksiin aurinkovoimalan rakenteesta ja koosta. Suunnitelmat tarkentuvat hankkeen edetessä, ja hiilitaseselvitystä päivitetään tarvittaessa.
The project is located within the original Lehmo general plan area, extending to Kyyrönsuo and the drained peatlands to its east.
- The report for the evaluation of the need for an Environmental Impact Assessment was prepared in 2023
- The decision on the need for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was received in the fall of 2023. The North Karelia Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment decided that the EIA procedure is not applicable to the project.
- Municipality council of Kontiolahti approved the Master plan 18.3.2024.
News about project
Keskustelutilaisuudessa Kyyrönsuon aurinkovoimalan mahdollistavasta osayleiskaavasta ei noussut esiin suuria huolenaiheita
Contact us!

Arto Ylönen
Project manager
+358 40 648 1833

Christian Kumpula
Project manager
+358 50 306 6053