Stopping the climate catastrophe sustainably and profitably

Building a carbon-neutral
future sustainably and profitably

Forus's mission is to stop climate change by profitably scaling better solutions. Over the past eight years, we have been involved in building or developing over 100 solar power plants in Finland. 

Osaamisemme kohdistuu erityisesti hankkeisiin, jotka edistävät puhtaan energian tai raaka-aineiden tuotantoa, energiatehokkuutta, hiilensidontaa sekä kestävää maankäyttöä niin maalla kuin merelläkin.

We scale better solutions to halt climate change!

Etsimme harjoittelijaa kesäksi 2024!

Työnkuvaasi kuuluu erilaisten analyysien tekeminen sekä toimitus- että teknologiajohtajalle.

Tehtävä on täysipäiväinen kesäkuulta elokuun loppuun asti ja sitä voidaan jatkaa tuntityöntekijänä tämän jälkeen. Tehtävä soveltuu sinulle mikäli opiskelet kaupallisessa tai teknillisessa koulutusohjelmassa. 

Our services

Grid solar power

The most sustainable solar power in Finland

Real estate and energy consulting

Consulting with experience

With our unique service models, transition to renewable energy is effortless for our clients. They benefit from new cash-flow neutral renewable energy solutions. We provide profits where no costs exist while reducing the environmental burden – a win for our clients, for us, and for the environment!

Our customers

Our growing clientele includes a range of Finland's largest land and property owners.

We are looking for customers, investors, and new ideas. Our customers are energy companies looking to scale their services. Investors invest in our projects. New ideas may involve, for example, renewable energy production outside Finland or solutions to halt climate change. 

We also provide real estate and energy consulting real estate and energy sector consulting.


We are strengthening our position as a pioneer in renewable energy with the addition of a new Advisory Board.

A large solar power park could start up in Lappeenranta in 2026 – the electricity it produces would be enough for 150,000 apartment blocks

Forus and Better Energy aim for 1000 MW of solar energy in Finland

Better Energy reinforces its presence during Finland's transition to renewable energy

Contact us!



Southeastern and Eastern Finland